제가 초등학교에서 애들 가르칠때 썼던인데요
happymom님 답변으로 게시판에 실었더니 요즘 사용자가 폭주해서 읽으시지를 못하는거 같길래...
상에 관계없이 여러분들 보시라구요*^^*
별 준비 없이 scrip만 실었으니 애들 동화 읽어주실때 참조 해 보세요
그냥 원문보단 훨씬 낳을거에요
먼저 원문을 실어드립니다
1.Rosie the hen went for a walk
2.across the yard
4.around the pound
5. 내용없슴
6. over the haystack
7. 내용없슴
8.past the mill
9. 내용없슴
10.through the fence
12.under the beehives
14.got back in time for dinner.
커닝 페이퍼로 쓰세요*^^*
1. Rosie the hen went for a walk.
2. She walked across the yard.
"Ah ha! Now I've got you" Said the fox. but oh dear, there's a rake.
3. "Oh no! My nose!" sad the fox.
(It looks very painful, doesnt't it?)
4. But Rosie didn't see him and walk around the pound.
"Ah ha! Now I've got you" Said the fox.
5. But oh dear! He fell into the pond.
"Oh no! I'm all wet!" said the fox.
(He's very wet, isnt'he?)
6. But Rosie didn't see him and walked over the haystack.
"This time I've got you!" said the fox.
7. But oh dear! He slipped and got stuck.
(He looks very unhappy, doesn't he?)
8. But Rosie didn't see him and walked past the mill.
"I've finally got you now! said the fox.
(But it looks like in trouble, doesn't he?)
9. "Oh no! I'm all white!" said the fox. He was covered in flour.
10. But Rosie didn't see him walked through the fence.
"I'm so hungry. Now is my chance!" said the fox.
So he jumped over the fence.
11. But oh dear! He landed in a cart.
But Rosie didn't see him and walked under the beehives.
The Fox hit the beehives.
12. The bee chased him and ran away.
Rosie was a very lucky hen. She got back just in time for dinner.
원본 게시글: