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품앗이 수업의 준비때문에 검색을 해보니 공룡관련 책의 스크립트가 생각보다 많지 않더라구요.그래서 짧은 영어지만 도움이 될까 하고 첨으로 올려보네요.수업에 쓴 공룡그림은 구글 검색으로 찾아서 할핀으로 만들수 있게 제가 만들었습니다. Dinosaurs,Dinosaurs What is a Dinosaur? The word "dinosaur" means "terrible lizard." we can't see real dinosaurs anymore. Maybe the world got too hot. Maybe the dinosaurs could not find the right food to eat. Maybe other animals ate the dinosaurs’ eggs.
triceratops It must be a mommy triceratops. This triceratops laid eggs. How many eggs are in the nest? - Five! Yes , There are five eggs. what is hatching out of these eggs ? those are baby dinosaurs!(chick!) It had three big horns on its head ,a bony shield covering its neck and a parrot-like beak. 첨부한 파일로 만든 트라이세라톱스의 뿔로 아이들을 콕콕 찔러줍니다.
Kentrosaurus It loos like stegosaurus. But its plates are more spiky. I have spiky plates and tiny head. 만든 켄트로소러스의 plates를 아이들이 만져보게 하고 따갑다고 느끼게 합니다.
Ankylosaurus Ankylosaurus had thick, tough skin and hard plates on its back. The plates were like armor. How did ankylosaurus use the bony club at the end of its tail? To fight with other dinosaurus. 그러고 나서 bony club로 아이들의 때립니다.
Stegosaurus This dinosaurs was fat and slow . It could not run and hide. It had a Very small head with a tiny brain and toothless beak. It had Large, flat, bony, triangular plates along its back and a spiked tail for protection. What did stegosaurus use for a weapon if it was attacked? Tail with sharp spikes. ->꼬리에 있는 spikes로 애들을 찔러줍니다.
Spinosaurus Spinosaurus was a huge meat-eating dinosaur that had large sails on their backs. It looked like a Dimetron, but walked on 2 legs.
Pachycephalosaurus This dinosaur is Pachyephalosaurus. This dinosaur had a hard, thick skull made of solid bone. What are they doing? These two dinosaurs are fighting! --> 그림자료로 만든 공룡 머리로 애들 머리에 박치기(?)합니다.
Tyrannosaurus rex Are you scared? Tyrannosaurus rex was big and fierce with sharp teeth and claws. Its teeth were as long as pencils and very, very sharp. The word rex means “King.” This dinosaurs was the king of the hunters. -> 티렉스의 입을 벌렸다 오므렸다하면서 Grrr하며 애들을 위협합니다.
Diplodocus What does it look like to you? It looks like a giraffe. Right, it has a very long neck like a giraffe.
compsognathus was as small as a chicken and could run very fast. Compsognathus was a bird-like dinosaur that walked on two long, thin legs.
What kind of dinosaure do you like best? 어떤종류의 공룡이 가장 좋으니?
-------------------------------------- 위의 내용을 본문과 함께 읽어주면서 첨부한 자료의 공룡그림을 할핀으로 움직이게 만들어서 아이들을 찌르기도 하고, 위협도 하면서 각각 공룡의 특징을 알게 합니다.
그런 후 위의 내용으로 게싱게임을 해요. 문제를 내면 맞추면서 공룡을 집어들고 그 공룡의 특징을 몸으로 표현하게 하지요.
그리고 나서 구글 검색으로 만든 아코디언 미니북을 만들었습니다.
** 참고사이트 ** 에 가서 아래쪽 Pre-colored dinosaurs: 쪽에 있는 리스트를 눌러보세요.원하는 공룡의 사진과 발음기호가 다 나온답니다. : 흑백 크래프트가 있어요. Dinosaurs 미니북 영어가 딸려서 그렇지(휴~~) 방대한 자료가 가득Weesing&learn 시리즈라고 있는데 그중에 Dinosaur가 있어요.