5살 모임 chant time Let's learn a new song called "little kid, little kid"Listen. It goes like this. Little kid, little kid, turn a round.Little kid, little kid, touch the ground.Little kid, little kid, raise your arms.Little kid, little kid, good-bye. Did you like the song? the song is cute. isn't it ?Ok, stand in a line.Let's sing together. - 전래동요 [꼬마야, 꼬마야]를 영어로 불렀어요 노래가 따라하기 쉬워서 신나게 따라 부른답니다. storytelling and activity time activity 목표 -disguise, pick, share 동사접근 준비물 : 크레파스, 가위, 귀모양 도안, 부직포 헤어밴드, 스템플러 간단히 귀모양을 그려놉니다. 부직포끝부분에 벨크로를 붙여놓습니다.
What is it? (it's a bread) 아이들 눈에는 식빵모양으로 보였나 봅니다. Bread? Oh, I see.It looks like bread. but It's mouse ears.We'll disguise ourselves.First, color and cut it out.Press it here with stampler.얼굴에 코와 수염을 그려 생쥐로 변장시킵니다.Wow, You disguised yourself.
Now, we are going to pick stawberry one by one.You can see a lot of leaves and strawberries in the yard.민혜, Do you like strawberry? I love it.Please, get a strawberry for me. Oh, You did it? good job. You have a strawberry. let's share half with mommy.cut it in two. one for me, one for you.What a good girl !Let's eat them all. It's very delicious.