활용후기가 많이 올려져 있긴 한데...비슷하지만...다시 함 올려봅니다....^^ 각티슈 케이스로 버스를 만들었어요~빨간 시트지로 전체를 감싼후...유성팬으로 창문과 문을 그려 넣었죠..^^바퀴와 와이퍼는 할핀으로 고정해서 움직이게 했답니다... The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish하는 분에서는 이렇게요~^^
속에 나오는 캐릭터들을 코팅해서 벨크로 테잎 찍찍이를...차에는 보들이를 붙여주구요...책 내용에 맞게 붙였다 떼었다합니다... 캐릭터는 왼쪽에서부터...clown, driver, acrobat lady, magician,face painter, baker's lady, balloon blower, musician이라고 했습니다. What is he? - He is a clown.A clown is man whose business is to make people laugh by tricks and jokes at a circus.What is he? - He is a driver.A driver is a person who drives a car.What is she? - She is an acrobat.An acrobat is a person sho performs gymnastic feats.What is he? - He is a magician.A magician is a person who uses magic.What is she? - She is a face paiter.A face painter is a person who paints pictures on a face.What is she? - She is a baker's lady.A baker is a person who makes bread, cakes, etc..What is he? - He is a balloon blower.A balloon blower is a person who blows up a balloons.What is he? - He is a musician.A musician is a perfomer of music.