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[Ã¥ Àбâ]Today story is this book.what's that?...It's a rabbitDo you like a rabbit...don't you?Look at this cover?What do you see?a rabbit.What color is it? black, whitewhat's that?It's an apple,a box, a green paint jar, canpus, esel,what is he doing?he put an apple on the box.maybe he will drowing something.::: [´Ü¾î ÀÍÈ÷±â]
(ÇíÇí...°¢ ±×¸² ã¾Æ¼ ¸¸µç´Ù°í È¥ ³µ³×¿ä....Ãâ·ÂÇؼ »ç¿ëÇϼ¼¿ä)±×¸²À» º¸¸ç "What do you see"¶ó°í Áú¹®Çϸé...ÀڱⰡ º» ±×¸²À» À̾߱â Çϸ絿±×¶ó¹Ì¸¦ ±×¸³´Ï´Ù.If i say "what do you see" than you should say "i see a blablabla..."do you understand?...Ok¼öºó ..What do you see?key...¼öºó you should say , I see a key. ...Okay?I see a keyGood job¾ÆÇö what do you see?I see a rainbow.great....drowing the circle.¿¹ºó What do you see?I see a fish.good job.
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Let's make a alphabet flap book.Do you know how many alphabet?26....yes that's right.we need 26 card.Let's fold it in a half.This is a book.and than here is color paper.what color do you want?yellow one.here you are.pink, orange.cut the line with your scissors.write the capital A, and little a on this card.fold it like this a little.put some glue on this place.what is the start with "A"apple, aligator, airplane...good job.cut this picture and put it inside of A card.::³Ñ ¸¹¾Æ¼ ´Ù ÇÏÁö´Â ¸øÇÏ°í D±îÁö ÇÏ°í ¸¶ÃƳ׿ä...¼öºó, ¿¹ºó ...Do your homework...¾ÆÇöÀÌ´Â ³²¾Æ¼ ³¡±îÁö...¤¾¤¾Â¥ÀÜ...´Ù ¸¸µé¾îÁø Ã¥ÀÇ ¸ð½ÀÀÔ´Ï´Ù..¾Õ Ç¥Áö¿¡ ÀÌ»Ú°Ô Á¦¸ñµµ ºÙÀ̱¸¿ä...À̸§µµ ¾²°í...½ÎÀαîÁö Çϳ׿ä..¤»¤»
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