저희 모임은 2003년 1,2월생 네명이 모인 '사과나무'라는 모임입니다. 이번에 'Here Are My Hands' 책을 함께 읽었는데요, Activity로 눈사람 만들기를 해보았습니다. 눈사람을 만든후 Here Are My Hands에 나오는 내용을 조금 인용하여 눈사람이 하고 싶은 행동과 필요한 신체부위를 연결시켜 눈,코,입,머리,손,발을 만들어서함께 붙입니다. 아기들이 아직 어려서 이빨이나 피부, 팔꿈치 등등은 하지 않았습니다. 영어도 쉽고 반복된 말로 간단하게 진행해 보았습니다. 눈사람 몸은 하얗고 크게 만드는 것이 좋을 것 같아 '밀가루 반죽'을 이용했구요,눈은 집에 있는 '초코칩'코는 과자 '꼬깔콘'머리는 반찬 하려고 사둔 파래가 있어서 '파래'로 만들었더니 재미있었습니다. 나머지 입, 손, 발은 고무찰흙을 이용했습니다. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Let's make a snowman.
First, we have to make snowballs.
How many snowballs do we need?
That's right. we need two snowballs.
Let's make two snowballs with Mommy.
(Roll around like this. Roll, roll, roll )
Did you finish making two snowballs?
Ok, then put one snowball on the other snowball.
Wow, wonderful snowman!
But the snowman is sad, because he wants to see and cry.
What does the snowman need?
That's right. Let's make two eyes for snowman.
(아기들과 눈을 만들어서 붙여준다.)
The snowman wants to smell and blow.
What does the snowman need?
Right. Let's make one nose for snowman.
(아기들과 코를 만들어서 붙여준다)
The snowman still wants to chew and brush.
What does the snowman need?
Right, Let's make mouth for snowman.
The snowman says " I want to hear'
What does the snowman need?
How many ears do you have?
Right, Let's make two ears for snowman.
Wow, the snowman has two eyes, one nose, one mouth, and two ears.
He looks great!
The snowman wants to catch the ball and throw the ball like you.
What does the snowman need?
How many hands do you have?
Right, let's make two hands for snowman.
The snowman wants one more thing.
The snowman wants to go and stop.
What does the snowman need?
Right, let's make feet for snowman.
You did a good job!
Now, the snowman is very happy.
Your snowmans look wonderful!