포도상자로 미니극장을 만들었습니다.아이들이 워낙에 연극을 해주는걸 좋아해~~ 예전에도 박스로 극장은 만들어준적은 있는데.포도상자가 딱이다 싶어 다시 만들어주었습니다.먼저 아래 사진처럼 꾸밀수 있는 재료를 준히 하시면 됩니다. 박스는 펼쳐서 뒤집어 주세요. 이쁘게 그림을 그리셔도 좋고요,, 전 한지와 레이스로 꾸며 주었습니다. 좀 투박하고 칙칙하게 보이지만. 아이들이 좋아하네요.실리셀리 그림자료는 제와이 북스에서 복사한거고요. 배경은 코팅해서 찍찍이를 붙여서 배경을 수시로 바꿀수 있게 했습니다.

Would you tell me what you can see in this picture?
Where is the pig? In the mud.
What do you think is in the stream?
Look, she is Silly. She looks so funny.
Why is she walking backwards, moreover upside down?
What are Sally and this dirty pig doing?
Now, the pig joins her in her backwards, upside down antics.
Let's see who will come along this time.
Do you see the pig, the dog, and the loon following Sally?
They are all upside down.
Sally stands on her hands even when she sleeps .
And so do the animals.
Here comes a man dressed as a flower. Neddy Buttercup is his name.
Neddy Buttercup is rousing Sally and her companions by tickling them.
He is tickling the pig on the tummy.
He is tickling the dog on the bottom of its paw.
And he joins them as they parade into town, of course, walking backwards, upside
Some of the people in town are greeting Silly Sally and her silly companions with a
But some look to be stunned.
Now, everyone is walking backwards, upside down.
It seems that they are enjoying it.
Do you want to try it?