Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed
(작품 만들기) : 고무줄 5개, 무게있는 돌, 돌 넣을수 있는 작은 통.....
문구점 앞에 아이들이 하는 뽑기 있잖아요.
그 통을 이용했네요.
통속에 무게감 있는 돌을 많이 넣어 주세요. 무거울수록 더 좋네요.
다섯 마리 원숭이를 통앞에 테이프를 이용해 붙였구요.
그리고 윗쪽에 고무줄만 붙여 주심 끝나네요.
베개를 침대라고 놓고 열심히 노래합니다.
한 마리씩 떨어 뜨리며.
(tip) 뛰어 놀때의 기쁜 표정이 다친후 슬픈 표정으로 변하는 걸 표현해보았어요.
원숭이 머리 뒷쪽에 원형 자석을 하나씩 붙이고,
슬픈 표정의 얼굴부분만 하나씩 더 만들어 클립으로 붙여줘요.
그리고 이야기 전개해 나가면서 다친 원숭이들에게 하나씩 얼굴 표정을 바꿔주면
더 재미 있어 하더라구요.
자세히 보시면 앞에서 4번째까지는 머리에 붕대감고 있죠?
마지막 원숭이만 다치기 전의 즐거운 표정입니다.
고무줄의 탄력성만으로도 충분히 아이들 즐거워하네요.
우리 아이들은 너무 즐겁게 놀았답니다.
옷걸이를 이용해 정리해 주었더니
아이들이 가지고 논 뒤 잘 걸어 놓더라구요.
Look at the cover of this book.
There are 1,2, 3, 4, 5- five monkeys.
What are they doing?
They’re jumping. Wow~, they are having so much fun!
Actually, these monkeys are mischievous.
Look at their face.
They look very happy and fun.
The title of this book is “Five little monkeys jumping on the bed”
Page 3
It was bedtime. So five little monkeys took a bath.
What good little monkeys they are!
One little monkey is washing its hair.
One little monkey is scrubbing its back.
One little monkey is washing its face.
One little monkey is playing with a rubber duck.
One little monkey has soap.
Splash, splish, splash, splish…..
They’ll be clean.
Page 4
Five little monkeys put on their pajamas.
Look at their pajamas.
We can guess that three monkeys are boys and two monkeys are girls.
They can put on their pajamas by themselves.
What good children monkeys they are!
Page 5
Five little monkeys brushed their teeth.
Their teeth will be clean.
What excellent little monkeys they are!
Page 6-7
Five little monkeys said good night to their mama.
What lovable little monkeys they are!
Five little monkeys are on the same bed.
Now they’ll be asleep in a little time.
Page 8-9
Oh~ no!
They didn't fall asleep.
Five little monkeys are jumping on the bed.!
Look at their face.
They look very very very fun.
Oh~ No, It’s not O.K.
Be careful, little monkeys!
One boy monkey who is wearing a dotted-pajamas is jumping on the edge of the bed.
Page 10
The monkey fell off and bumped his head.
He is crying.
Page 11
The mama called the doctor.
“Doctor, my child had an injure on his head.”
The boy monkey is still crying.
The doctor said, “No more monkey jumping on the bed!”
Page 12
The monkey who has a injured head is on the sofa to rest.
And mama has a medicine for him.
Page 13
Hush. Be quite!
Now the rest of the monkeys will fall asleep.
Four little monkeys…..
Page 14
…jumped on the bed.
Oh~ no.
Not again.
Watch out!
Another boy monkey is hopping on the edge of the bed.
It’s very dangerous.
Page 15
The second boy monkey fell off and bumped his head.
They’re not good monkeys.
Page 16
The mama called the doctor again.
“Doctor, my another boy is hurt. “
The second monkey is crying.
Mama has an anxious look.
But the doctor doesn’t have an anxious look yet.
The doctor said, “No more monkeys jumping on the bed!”
Page 17.
The second monkey is crying and the first monkey is still crying.
Mama is applying a bandage to his head.
Will the rest of monkeys reflect on their conduct?
But three little monkeys jumped on the bed again.
Now the girl monkey is jumping on the edge of the bed.
Look out!
Page 19
The girl monkey fell off and bumped her head.
Oh~, poor monkey~.
Page 20
Poor mama~. Look at her face.
She looks very sad.
And the girl monkey is crying.
The mama called the doctor.
“Doctor, we had a same accident again.”
Look at the doctor.
So he is also upset now.
The doctor said, “No more monkeys jumping on the bed!”
Page 21
The first boy monkey is not crying now.
But the second boy monkey and the girl monkey are crying.
The sofa is full with injured-monkeys.
Mama is talking to her children left
“Listen, you two. Don’t jump on the bed again. You got it?"
Page 22
But two little monkeys are jumping on the bed.
They shouldn’t do that.
Page 23
The third boy monkey fell off and bumped his head.
Page 24
The mama called the doctor.
“Doctor, my child has an injure on his head.”
Look at the doctor.
Now he is crying.
Poor doctor~.
The doctor said, “No more monkeys jumping on the bed!”
Page 25
There is no seat on the sofa now.
So the third boy monkey is lying on the floor.
Only he is crying.
Mama is requesting not to jump on the bed.
Page 26
But the last monkey is jumping on the bed.
Jump, jump, jump….
What a silly monkey she is!
Page 27
She fell off and bumped her head.
Page 28
The mama called the doctor.
“Doctor, my fifth monkey injured. What can I do for her?”
Now mama is crying and the girl monkey is crying.
And the doctor is crying, too.
They all are crying.
It’s a very very very funny scene.
And the doctor said, “No more monkey jumping on the bed."
Page 29
All the children monkeys had fallen off from the bed and had gotten injures.
Mama led the children monkeys to the bed.
Maybe they’ll fall asleep without any trouble now.
Page 30
So five little monkeys fell fast asleep.
Look at them.
How nice they are!
(알고 있는 자장가를 하나 불러 주세요)
“Hush little baby don’t say a word.
Papa’s gonna buy you a mocking bird.
I wish they slept tight all through the night.
Page 31
“Thanks goodness!” said the mama.
Now mama can smile a small smile.
And she can relax.
Page 32
“Now I can go to bed!”
But what is she doing?
Oh~ no.
Mama! Be careful, or you’ll fell off from the bed and bump your head.