"the 20th century children's book treasury"에 실린 I am a bunny를 읽히면서 할 수 있는 스토리텔링입니다.
1. 번역
I am a bunny.
나는 토끼예요.
My name is Nicholas.
내 이름은 니콜라스예요.
I live in a hollow tree.
나는 속이 텅 빈 나무에 살지요.
In the spring, I like to pick flowers.
봄이면 나는 꽃을 따는 걸 좋아해요.
I chase the butterflies, and the butterflies chase me.
나는 나비들을 뒤쫓고 나비들은 나를 뒤쫓아요.
In the summer, I like to lie in the sun and watch the birds.
여름이면 태양 아래 누워 새들을 보는 걸 좋아해요.
And I like to watch the frogs in the pond.
그리고 연못에 있는 개구리들을 보는 걸 좋아하지요.
When it rains, I keep dry under a toadstool.
비가 오면 버섯 밑에서 비를 피하고요.
I blow the dandelion seeds into the air.
민들레 씨를 공중에 흩날리기도 해요.
In the fall, I like to watch the leaves falling from the trees.
가을이면 낙엽이 지는 걸 즐겨 보고요.
I watch the animals getting ready for the winter.
동물들이 겨울 준비하는 것을 지켜본답니다.
And, when the winter comes, I watch the snow falling from the sky.
그리고 겨울이 오면, 하늘에서 눈이 내리는 것을 보고요.
Then I curl up in my hollow tree and dream about spring.
속이 텅 빈 나무에서 새우잠을 자면서 봄에 대한 꿈을 꾸지요.
* hollow 속이 빈 / toadstool 식용이 아닌 버섯 / dandelion 민들레 / curl up 몸을 움츠리다
2. 그림을 보면서 부가적으로 아기에게 할 수 있는 말들
(에구, 영어가 너무 딸려서 쉬운 말들만 골라서 영작을 했는데요. 아무래도
틀린 데가 있을 것 같아요. 잘못된 부분은 메일로 꼭 알려주세요.)
① Look at this picture!
Where is a bunny?
Wow, Mommy found it.
It is standing in the right corner of this picture.
It has two long ears.
It is wearing a yellow shirt and red pants.
How many birds are there?
There are four birds.
One is mommy bird and the others are baby birds.
Mommy bird is feeding a worm to baby birds.
② Wow, this time, look at this picture!
There are many flowers in the field.
Mommy doesn't count the flowers.
What beautiful flowers!
③ Many kinds of butterflies are here!
They are dancing with a bunny.
A bunny is jumping on the field.
They look like feeling so good.
④ A bunny lies down on the field.
How many birds are there?
There, Let's count the birds with mommy.
One, two, three, four!
Wow. there are four birds.
And there are white flowers and sweet strawberries in this picture.
⑤ Look at the next picture!
There are four frogs in the pond.
The frogs say "Croak, croak"
⑥ It is raining.
A bunny doesn't wet, but the frog wets.
That's too bad.
How so pitiful!
I am afraid the frogs will catch a cold.
⑦ Where are the dandelion seeds going?
Maybe, they will travel all around the world.
Mommy would like to follow them with you.
⑧ Many leaves falling down.
What color are leaves?
They are red.
⑨ There are four kinds of animals.
One bunny, two squirrels, two raccoon dogs and three wild geese.
How many animals are there?
They are all eight animals.
⑩ Wow, It is snowing.
A bunny is wearing the hat and a yellow coat.
Have you ever seen the snow?
Maybe you haven't seen the snow.
Snow is cold and white and lovely.
⑪ Now, It's time to sleep.
The bunny covered its blankets.
The bunny took its clothes off and then hang it up.
It goes to sleep. Maybe It has a sweet dream.
3. 그림에 나오는 bunny의 행동을 따라해 보는 코너입니다.
(아기에게 엄마가 다음의 내용을 말해주면서 토끼와 같은 동작을 하도록 유
도하면 좋을 것 같아서요...여기에도 잘못된 영어표현이 있을 까봐 노심초사
하고 있답니다. 영한 사전을 뒤적이며 모은 표현들이랍니다. 틀린 점이 있으
면 메일주시와요.)
Let's follow the bunny's action.
① The bunny clasps its hands behind its back. 뒷짐을 지고 있다.
② The bunny has a yellow flower in its hand and smells this.
③ The bunny is hopping around.
④ The bunny pillows its head on own arm and lies down with its legs crossed.
팔베개를 하고 다리를 꼬고 누워있다.
⑤ The bunny sits on a piece of block.
⑥ The bunny shrinks back and waits for the rain to pass.
숨어서 비가 지나가기를 기다린다.
⑦ The bunny graps the dandelion and blows the seeds.
⑧ The bunny reach out its arm and lift its left foot.
⑨ The bunny stands with its knees close together.
양무릎을 붙이고 서있다.
⑩ The bunny stretchs its arm and says "Wonderful"
⑪ The bunny lies on its face and it is sleeping deeply.
엎드려 누워자고 있다.