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let's make animal dungs?
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*sion, Who has done on mole's head?
*It was a dog.
* Who told the mole about the poo poo on his head?
Two big, fat black flies.
* How many animals were in this book?
* How do you use the bathroom?
* I do it like this. (running to the toilet)
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µÎ´õÁö: How mean?
Who has done this on my head?
Did you do this on my head?
Who did this on my head?
µ¿¹°µé: Me?
No, how could I? I do it like this!
Æĸ®: It is clear to us that it was A DOG!
µ¿¹°µéÀÇ ¿µ¾îÀ̸§
mole, horse, hare
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