책내용을 먼저 읽어준다음 .
저희아이는 2000,1월생이라 너무 어려운 문장을 해주면 싫어하더라고요.
대사는 간단하게 만들었습니다.
Once there were white mice on a white piece of paper.
The cat couldn't find them.
One day, white the cat was asleep, the mice saw three jars of paint....
one red, one yellow, and one blue.
mouse1: What is it?
mouse2: It looks like a juice. It looks good.
mouse3: Let's eat.
They thought it was juice.
mouse1: How about taste??
mouse2: It's not good. It does not seem to be a juice.
mouse3: hey!! Oh, our body changed.
The dripped puddles of paint onto the paper.
The puddles lookes like fun.
The red mouse stepped into a yellow puddle and did a little dance.
His red feet stirred yellow puddle until..
mouse1:"Look" he cried.
"Red feet in a yellow puddle make orange"
The yellow mouse hopped into a blue puddle.
His feet mixed and stirred and stirred and mixed until...
mouse2: "Look down" said the red mouse and the blue mouse.
"Yellow feet in a blue puddle make green"
Then the blue mouse jumped into a red puddle.
He splashed and mixed and danced until.....
mouse3:"Purple" they all shouted.
"Blue feet in a red puddle make purple"
But the paint on their fur got sticky and stiff.
So they washed themselves down to a nice soft white and painted the paper instead.
They painted one part red and one part yellow and part blue.
ps)아들내미랑 다시 놀이를 했는데 쥐를 기저귀에다 밑그림을 그려 오려서 가장자리에 투명 테잎을 붙여 했더니 흘려내리지 않고 잘스며들더라고요.